Software & Environments
Provides information on how to mange the Subject Under Test/Software and test environments repository.
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Provides information on how to mange the Subject Under Test/Software and test environments repository.
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Was this helpful? provides you a place to store all your software versions as well as all test environments you want to test your software on.
For you to be able to test a software version, the software needs to be made available to the platform. This is done by clicking on the "NEW SW VERSION" button, which opens the "Add a new Software Version" dialog.
The add Software Version allows you to specify an identifier, usually the version number, a name and if the Version is based on a previously uploaded software version. If it is not based on a previously uploaded software version, you can select "SW has major UI changes". This gives the platform the information that test plans written against previous versions cannot be executed against this version until an automation engineer look at them.
In addition you can select the installation type. Based on the selected type you might have additional setting fields available. The following types are available:
Additional Fields
Your software is not an on-premise installation but is an online accessible services, e.g. Gmail, Outlook Web, etc.
URL: The url field allows you the defined the url that should be opened in the browser before the test case gets executed.
Requires Installation
Your software is on-premise and needs to be installed in the test environment.
Software Executable: Your installer, adb, etc. file
Installation Instruction: A free format file that describes how to install the software in the test environment.
Included in Test Environment
Your software is on-premise and pre-installed in the test environment.
After you have provided the required information you can register the new software version with a click on the "ADD SOFTWARE VERSION" button.
For every registered software version the software and environments screen gives you a Pass Rate. This rate gives you an overview of the amount of passed tests out of all executed tests against this sw version.
Your software needs a place to run in. These places are managed in the test environments. provides you two versions of environments: Predefined and Custom.
As implied by the name, you can select a test environment like Windows (multiple Versions), Ubuntu, etc. from a growing list of pre-defined test environments.
You just need to select your target test environment in the name drop down and click on the "ADD TEST ENVIRONMENT" button to add this environment to the list of test environments available to you.
In case you test a software that comes with any of these predefined environments you can select a software version from the installed sw drop down. Please see the software section to find out how to provide a software that can selected from the installed sw dropdown.
For any custom environment, you have to define the name. In case you test a software that comes with your environment you can select a software version from the installed sw drop down. Please see the software section to find out how to provide a software that can selected from the installed sw dropdown.
In addition, if the connection to your test environment requires a login, you need to provide the username in the login field and the corresponding password in the password field.
Besides these general settings you can choose between different hosting types. Based on the selected type you might have additional setting fields available.
Additional Fields cloud
Your test environment will be hosted in an automatically generated virtual machine in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
Image File: A VHD file compatible with Microsoft Azure.
ResultProbe Connections
Your test environments are within your test labs and are connected to via a ResultsProbe.
3rd Party Device Clouds
Your test environments are provided by a 3rd party device cloud provider like SauceLabs, BitBar, etc.
Cloud Login: Defines the login used to connect to the hosting cloud Cloud Password: Defines the password used to connect to the hosting cloud Device Capabilities: Defines the Appium based capabilities required for this test environment
After you have provided the required information you can register the new software version with a click on the "ADD TEST ENVIRONMENT" button.