

Various methods to interact with the operating system.

You can access the SystemHelpers through the generated App class from your test case:


Or from a screen through the IAppBasics Interface:


ISystemHelpers Interface

Namespace: Progile.TRIO.BaseModel Assembly: Progile.TRIO.BaseModel (in Progile.TRIO.BaseModel.dll)




Checks if a file or folder exists on the SUT filesystem. To check if a folder exist pass in the folder with the path without the last "\" at the end.

Closes all instances of the webbrowser. Warning for Close all tabs will be confirmed. Throws an exception if after 5 minutes not all windows could be closed.

Copies the file(s) from the source path to the destination folder path. The name of the file will remain the same.

Note: For copying of whole folders use CopyFolder instead.

Copies the folder (with all files and subfolders) from the source path to the destination folder path.

If destination folder doesn not exist yet, it will be created.

Creates new folders for the specified path using mkdir command. If path already exists, command will return an error, but no further action is done (the outcome of the CreateFolderPath method is unaffected).

Deletes a file or folder on the SUT filesystem. To delete a folder include the "\" at the end to indicate it's a folder.

This method checks that the desktop of the environment is completely loaded and checks the CPU load of the SUT from the cmd window to ensure the system is responsive (CPU load below 40%). If an installer testcase is used, this should be called from installer Precondition step, otherwise from test case Precondition step.

Determines the current CPU load percentage on the SUT.

Gets the computer name of the SUT.

Gets the build version of the operating system on the SUT.

Kills a program or process from the run menu in windows (using Win-R key-shortcut).

Logs the name and version of the environment model contained in this assembly. Should be called in setup test step of every test case using the environment model.

Logs in the most recent user to the operating system from the welcome or lock screen if required.

If login failed a TestStepAbortedException is thrown.

Checks if a command line window is already open on the screen, if not opens a new command line window, if yes prepares it for new commands.

Runs the webpage.bat from Installer directory that will open the target webpage for the SUT.

Starts a program or process from the run menu in windows (using Win-R key-shortcut).

Mounts the remote directory that is provided by the execution host. If assigned drive is already in use, it is disconnected first. Uses default drive letter R.

Extracts an archive to the destination folder.




The path to the artifacts directory that is mapped on the SUT. The content of the artifacts directory will be provided for download in artifacts folder for the report in the portal. By default: "R:\"

The path to the directory where the installer files are mapped on the SUT. By default: "R:\RequestedContent\SoftwareExecutable\"

The Type of the SUT OS, e.g. Windows or MacOSX.

The path to the directory where the supporting files are mapped on the SUT. Default: "R:\SupportingFiles\"

Gives access to the system interactions implementation that provides basic interactions such as keyboard shortcuts for the target operating system.

The path to a temporary folder that is unique to the currently running tc. Default: "C:\Temp\{reportId}\"

The rectangle of the SUT screen that can be used by a windowed application. In particular for Windows it subtracts the taskbar height from the fullscreen.

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