These are global settings for the execution engine that control different aspects of the interactions with the Testee, execution flow and reporting. The settings are accessible through t.Properties
Pattern used for screenshot number generation Default: "000", numbers are padded with zeros to its left to have at least 3 digits (e.g. 001, 002, etc).
Syntax: public string AutoNumberPattern { get; set; }
Defines the amount of milliseconds the engine should wait for new clipboard content until it returns the previous content of the clipboard. Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
Syntax: public int ClipboardTimeOut { get; set; }
Defines the default image detection engine used for image recognition. Can be either ImageEngines.Precise
(Uses an image engine that is pixel precise (with the option to define a color tolerance)) or ImageEngines.Template
(Uses an image engine that is template matching based).
Default: ImageEngines.Template
Syntax: public ImageEngines DefaultImageEngine { get; set; }
Defines the default ocr engine used for text recognition. Can be either OcrEngines.LEADEngine
(Offers 2nd and 3rd guesses for every character, which allows for better recognition of the search text when detection is not perfect) or OcrEngines.Template
(Based on Tesseract; Performs better than LEAD on small text due to inbuilt image preprocessing).
Default: OcrEngines.LEADEngine
Syntax: public OcrEngines DefaultOcrEngine { get; set; }
Requests a remote full screen refresh of the subject under test before every action that accesses the remote screen if there was an interaction after the last access. Default: false
Syntax: public bool ForceScreenRefreshAfterInteraction { get; set; }
Requests a remote full screen refresh of the subject under test before every action that accesses the remote screen. Default: false
Syntax: public bool ForceScreenRefreshAlways{ get; set; }
Requests a remote full screen refresh of the subject under test before a step is started. Default: false
Syntax: public bool ForceScreenRefreshBeforeStep{ get; set; }
Amount of milliseconds the engine waits between every high-level interaction before it continues. This gives the SUT time to process the previous action. Increase this time if for example the first characters of a text entered in a Textbox after focusing it are lost. Default: 200
Syntax: public int GeneralInteractionWaitTime { get; set; }
Global precision used for image detection if no other parameter overwrites this. 1 = perfect match, 0 = everything. Default: 0.9
Syntax: public double ImageDetectionPrecision { get; set; }
Amount of milliseconds the engine waits between the KeyDown and KeyUp event for a KeyPress. Default: 10
Syntax: public int KeyDownDelay { get; set; }
Amount of milliseconds the engine waits between typing characters. Default: 1
Syntax: public int KeyNextDelay { get; set; }
Defines a delta from the target position of an interaction. The mouse move to this delta position is fast and from the delta position to the final position the move will be moved pixel by pixel. Default: new Point(10, 15)
Syntax: public
MouseClickApproachOffset { get; set; }
Amount of milliseconds the engine waits between the MouseDown and MouseUp event for a MouseClick. Default: 50
Syntax: public int MouseClickDelay { get; set; }
Defines the delta by which the mouse should moved if the engine requested the move the mouse out of the screen. Default: Empty
Syntax: public
MouseMoveOutOffset{ get; set; }
If enabled moves the mouse cursor out of screen before searching for an image or text. Default: false
Syntax: public bool MouseMoveOutOfScreen { get; set; }
Used to name the precondition step. Mainly used for automatic screenshot generation. Default: "PRECONDITION"
Syntax: public string PreconditionStepName { get; set; }
Amount of milliseconds the engine waits between every SUT interaction before it continues. This is the minimum amout of time. You should not need to change it. Default: 10
Syntax: public int RapidInteractionWaitTime { get; set; }
Indicator string used to start an entry in the results log for aborted steps. Available variables are: %CONTENT%: Content of the test log entry
Default: "Aborted: %CONTENT%+Environment.NewLine"
Syntax: public string ResultLogAbortedTemplate { get; set; }
Indicator string used to start an entry in the results log for failed steps. Available variables are: %CONTENT%: Content of the test log entry
Default: "Failed: %CONTENT%"+Environment.NewLine"
Syntax: public string ResultLogAbortedTemplate { get; set; }
Indicator string used to start an entry in the results log for failed steps. Available variables are: %CONTENT%: Content of the test log entry
Default: "%CONTENT%"+Environment.NewLine"
Syntax: public string ResultLogAbortedTemplate { get; set; }
Indicator string used to name automatically generated screenshots for aborted steps. Default: "ABORTED"
Syntax: public string ScreenshotAbortedStepName { get; set; }
Indicator string used to name automatically generated screenshots for steps that completely aborted the test case execution Default: "ExecutionAborted"
Syntax: public string ScreenshotExecutionAbortedName { get; set; }
Indicator string used to name automatically generated screenshots for failed steps Default: "FAILED"
Syntax: public string ScreenshotFailedStepName { get; set; }
Defines the naming template for screenshots. Available variables are: %TCNAME%: Testcase name %COND%: Contains the value of PreconditionStepName if it is the precondition step. Is empty otherwise %TCSTEP%: Step number %SHOTNR%: Screenshot run number of current step %NAME%: Name of the screenshot
Syntax: public string ScreenshotNaming { get; set; }
Indicator string used to name automatically generated screenshots for passed steps Default: "PASSED"
Syntax: public string ScreenshotPassedStepName { get; set; }
Defines that the execution should wait in case a screen fresh is requested until a refresh remote screen was received by the test engine Default: true
Syntax: public bool ScreenRefreshWait { get; set; }
Defines the maximum amount of milliseconds the test engine should block the execution while waiting for a screen refresh Default: 1000
Syntax: public int ScreenRefreshWaitTimeout { get; set; }
Defines how long an on-screen search should be retried when no result was found, if the searchDuration parameter in the search method is not set. Default: 5 seconds
Syntax: public
SearchDuration { get; set; }
Defines how long the search should wait before a retry is started. Default: 300
Syntax: public int SearchRetryWaitTimeInMs { get; set; }
Defines the accurary of the text search with the following meaning (Default: 1.9): 0.0 perfect match, 0.1 one white space difference, 0.3 one character matched the second or third guess, 0.4 one related character difference, 0.5 one related character difference based on the second or third guess, 0.6 one related character group replaced, 0.8 one character with incorrect capitalization (e.g. Z instead of z), 1.0 one unrelated character difference, 1.1 start or end anchor missing
Syntax: public double TextDetectionAccuracy { get; set; }
Defines the set of languages used for recognizing text (sequence does not define priority) Default: OcrLanguages.English
Syntax: public OcrLanguagesToUse TextDetectionLanguages { get; set; }
Allows to adjust the default related characters matrix for text recognition.
Syntax: public
TextDetectionRelatedCharacters { get; }
Defines the search level of the text recognition, i.e. what is recognized as a combination. Default: StringComparison
Syntax: public SearchLevel TextSearchLevel { get; set; }
Defines the amount of milliseconds the engine should wait before it checks for a new screen update (only used if you call RegisterForUpdateCheck()) Default: 500
Syntax: public int UpdateCheckerRefreshTimeOut { get; set; }
Enabled image position cache. If enabled the position of every image is cached once it was found. In subsequent searches the image is first look for at the last successful coordinates if not found the image is looked for on the complete screen. Default: true
Syntax: public bool UseImagePositionCache { get; set; }
Last updated
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