ITestee Methods


Adds a global image processing filter. All filters will be applied to the current screen of the subject under test before further processing (image recognition, ocr) takes place.


void AddFilter(
	IImageFilter filter


Removes all globally registered image processing filters.


void ClearFilter()


Executes an image search (single result) on the subject under test.

How works with image references:

The engine will try to find the image that is specified by imageName or all images contained in the folder (incl subfolders) specified by imageName. imageName refers to the relative location within the Images directory of the project, folders are separated by dots. E.g. "Screens.MyScreen.MyImage". However the designer automatically generates classes so you can use intelliSense to specify the image, the same image would be provided with TestImages.MyProject.Images.Screens.MyImage or just Images.Screens.MyImage if the correct using is set.


IEngineResult FindImage(
	string imageName,
	TimeSpan searchDuration = default,
	ImageDetectionParameters parameters = null,
	params IImageFilter[] filters

Return Value: Returns an IEngineResult with the position where the image was found


Executes an image search (multiple results) on the subject under test.


IList<IEngineResult> FindImages(
	string imageName,
	TimeSpan searchDuration = default,
	ImageDetectionParameters parameters = null,
	params IImageFilter[] filters

Return Value: Returns a list of IEngineResult with all positions where the image was found


Executes a text search (single result) on the subject under test


IEngineResult FindText(
	string content,
	TimeSpan searchDuration = default,
	OcrEngineParameters parameters = null,
	params IImageFilter[] filters

Return Value: Returns an IEngineResult with the position, detected text and corresponding accuracy where the specified text was found as a best match, i.e. highest accuracy


Executes a text search (multiple results) on the subject under test


IList<IEngineResult> FindTexts(
	string content,
	TimeSpan searchDuration = default,
	OcrEngineParameters parameters = null,
	params IImageFilter[] filters

Return Value: Returns a list of IEngineResults with all positions, detected text and corresponding accuracy where the specified text was found.


Returns the screen of the currently active SUT.


Bitmap GetCurrentScreen(
	params IImageFilter[] filters

Returns a Bitmap of the filtered current screen.


Overload List

GetRemoteClipboard (int?)

Returns the clipboard content of the subject under tests. The method waits until the subject under test signals that there is new content in its clipboard. If the subject under test signals the availablity of new content before this method is called the call will return instantly with the information of the remote clipboard. If no new content is received during waitTimeout, the last content that was received is returned.

Note that for most VNC servers no new content is signaled, when the same content is copied again, or an empty text selection is copied.


string GetRemoteClipboard(
    int? waitTimeout = null

Return Value: The content of the SUT clipboard.

GetRemoteClipboard (bool, int?)

Returns the clipboard content of the subject under tests. The method waits until the subject under test signals that there is new content in its clipboard. If the subject under test signals the availablity of new content before this method is called the call will return instantly with the information of the remote clipboard. If no new content is received during waitTimeout, the last content that was received is returned, but wasTimeoutTriggered is set to true.

Note that for most VNC servers no new content is signaled, when the same content is copied again, or an empty text selection is copied.


string GetRemoteClipboard(
	out bool wasTimeoutTriggered,
	int? waitTimeout = null

Return Value: The content of the SUT clipboard.


Reads the text on the screen of the subject under test


string GetText(
	OcrEngineParameters parameters,
	params IImageFilter[] filters

Return Value: Returns all text found on the current screen


Forces the internal data structure to be updated with a new screenshot from the subject under test


void RefreshScreen()


Registers a callback for graphical updates from the SUT. Must be unregistered afterwards by calling UnregisterFromUpdateCheck with the corresponding GUID. Use t.WaitUntilStableScreen or t.WaitUntilScreenUpdate for easier use of this functionality.


Guid RegisterForUpdateCheck(
	Action<double> updateHandler,
	double allowedEuclideanDistance,
	params IImageFilter[] filters

Return Value: Returns a GUID to identify the callback that has to be provided when unregistering.


Saves an image with the specified name and additional information which might be setup via the global properties


IEngineResult SaveImage(
	Bitmap image,
	string name,
	out string persistedName


Sets the clipboard content of the subject under test


void SetRemoteClipboard(
	string content


Takes a screenshot and saves it with the specified name and additional information which might be setup via the global properties.


IEngineResult TakeScreenshot(
	string name,
	params IImageFilter[] filters


Unregisters a callback for graphical updates from the SUT.


void UnregisterFromUpdateCheck(
	Guid updateCheckId

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