Best practise

We recommend creating a static class with different OcrEngineParameters which work best for your application.

Use these settings in the ConfigureElementProperties method like any other Setting:

public partial class HomeScreen
    partial void ConfigureElementProperties()
        DemoTextbox.TextBoxOcrParas.SearchPattern = OcrParams.SearchPatternTime;
        DemoButton.TextParameters = OcrParams.ColorfulText;

Find some examples for OcrEngineParameters below:

public static class OcrParams
    //use as OCREngineParameters.SearchPattern
    public const string SearchPatternDateTime = @"^0^0/^0^0/^0^0^0^0 ^0^0:^0^0";
    public const string SearchPatternTime = @"^0^0:^0^0";

    //use incase of very colorful text or background, like red background and white text
    public static OcrEngineParameters ColorfulText => new OcrEngineParameters
        OcrEngine = OcrEngines.LEADEngine,
        SearchLevel = SearchLevel.Words,
        Preprocessing = new OcrPreprocessingParameters
            Upscale = true,
            UseBinarizeModification = true,
            BinarizeThreshold = 180, // 180 ensures that blue, yellow and red all go to black (and then inverted to white)
            UseInvertModification = true,
            UseSharpnessModification = true,
            SharpnessValue = 50

    //try for texts where the default settings do not work
    public static OcrEngineParameters TextAlternative => new OcrEngineParameters
        OcrEngine = OcrEngines.LEADEngine,
        SearchLevel = SearchLevel.StringComparison,
        Accuracy = 0.4,
        Preprocessing = new OcrPreprocessingParameters { Upscale = true }

    //example Text: "30/07/2022 08:32" - LEADEngine is not great with the '/' and ':' so use IronOCR
    public static OcrEngineParameters DateAndTime => new OcrEngineParameters
        OcrEngine = OcrEngines.IronOCREngine,
        SearchLevel = SearchLevel.StringComparison,
        Accuracy = 0.4

    //uses searchlevel and preprocessing which works best for Table Cell content
    public static OcrEngineParameters TableCell => new OcrEngineParameters
        OcrEngine = OcrEngines.IronOCREngine,
        SearchLevel = SearchLevel.Words | SearchLevel.StringComparison,
        Preprocessing = new OcrPreprocessingParameters
            Padding = 20,
            UseInvertModification = true,

    //for table cells which only contain a single line
    public static OcrEngineParameters TableCellSingleLine
            var paras = OcrParams.TableCell;
            paras.EngineDependentParameters.Add(new IronOcrEngineParameters
                PageSegmentationMode = TesseractPageSegmentationMode.SingleLine
            return paras;

Last updated

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