Generating Test Containers

How to generate a Test Container

If you have already developed your SW Version model you have to make it available to the portal. The portal expects a .testcontainer file created out of your SW Model. The container consists of:

  • Images associated with your SW Version Model project

  • SW Version model DLLs (the code you have written in Visual Studio)

To generate such a container simply :

  • Open the Visual Studio Solution Explorer

  • Right click on the SW Version Project

  • Select the context menu

  • Select the Generate software version test container option

A successful generation of the test container will be also indicated in the Visual Studio output section as follows:

Container was successfully created. C:\Projects\MyFirstTrioSolution\MyFirstSoftware_1_0\bin\Debug\PortalUpload\MyFirstSoftware_V1_0_20190506_154207.testcontainer

Test Container file

The test container file name is always named according to the following schema


Therefore the following test case container MyFirstSoftware_V1_0_20190506_154207.testcontainer can be decoded as follows:

  • SW Name: MyFirstSoftware

  • Version: 1.0

  • Generation Date: 2019-05-06

  • Generation Time: 15:42:07

The next chapter (Publishing SW Models) explains how to make the testcontainer available in the Portal.

Last updated