
Provides information about the login screen, the initial process of setting up a password and how to set up a new password in case you forgot your current one

General login

Once you have received your credentials from your administrator (Enterprise or Business) or from the TestResults.io support team (Individual or Business OTS) you can easily login to the TestResults.io portal.

Enter the URL provided by your administrator and you should be welcomed with a login screen like this

This screen allows you enter your email address (username) and password. In case that you have access to multiple customers (Enterprise or Business Own Tier) the login process will allow you to select a customer as soon as your credentials are confirmed.

First Login

Before you can login into the TestResults.io portal you need to create a password for your account. As soon as you administrator created your account you should have received an email including an activation link. This link will bring you to the activation screen.

If you clicked on the activation link, the Token field should be populated and you are not able to enter it. In case you manually opened that page you can enter the Token provided by your administrator into the Token field.

Note: A token is only valid for 24 hours after it was created. If you did not set your initial password within 24 hours after you have received the invitation email, please contact your administrator to resend the token.

To set your initial password, enter the password twice and click on SAVE PASSWORD. This will bring you to the login screen (see above).

Password lost

Example e-mail:

TestResults.io - Link to reset password

this is an automated email from TestResults.io that allows you to reset your
password. Please click the following link to reset your password now. 
Be aware that the link is only valid for 24h from the time this email was sent.

Click here to reset your password: 

If you did not request your password to be reset, just disregard this email,
your current password will continue to work as expected.

Note: A token is only valid for 24 hours after it was created. If you did not set your initial password within 24 hours after you have received the invitation email, please contact your administrator to resend the token.

Once you click on the link you can reset your password on the reset password screen.

After you entered the new password twice and clicked SAVE PASSWORD you will automatically be transfered to the login screen.

For security reasons we cannot recover a forgotten password.

Last updated